Going to meet the babies.... Take pics and See JANE!!!! See you soon my fellow friends


I should be STUDYING..... But I am not.
Noah is sleeping on Daddy,
and I am sitting here working on being a procrastinator.
Oh wait, I am already Wonderful at being
a Procrastinator!
Back to studying I go.....

Wow a moment in time.

WOW! Noah is over 4 months well about 4.5 and is being started on Solids!!! My big boy. I love him so much he is absolutly beautiful, but I guess he is my child. He is soo cute. He makes my day so full of love. I just dont really know how I am going to feel on my first day back to school witch is tuesday:(

Pens and Paper for the next 5 months then GRADUATION. I will actually have my diploma. YAY!!


Baby 3-6 months Check list:

1. Plays with hands[Check]

2.Sticks hands in mouth and objects[check]

3.Repeats Movements[Check]

4.Plays peek-a-boo[check]

5. Bangs,grasps Toys and objects [Check]

6.Looks at who is Speaking to him[Check]

7.Cries Coo, For pain or pleasure [Check]

8.Laughs or giggles [Check, his laugh is soo cute]

9.Plays with voice[ Check, you should hear him sing!]

10.Repeats same sound[Check]

11.Knows name[ Check]

12.Enjoys Mirror Reflection [Check]

13.Conveys the need to be picked up[Check]

14.Smiles when spoken to [Check]

15.Plays games[Check]

16.Becomes excited when see someone they reconize or something[CHECK]

17.Maintains eye contact [Check, with those big blues]

My boy is doing soo well!!!